Spider Vein Treatment Specialist

Pure Skin Aesthetic & Laser Center
Cosmetic Laser Centers & Medical Spa located in Bismarck, ND
For some women, spider veins become noticeable at a relatively young age, which can cause feelings of self-consciousness. Fortunately, there’s an effective way to diminish the appearance of spider veins with laser treatments at Pure Skin Aesthetic & Laser Center in Bismarck, North Dakota. Shelly Botsford, NP, and Dr. John Botsford offer state-of-the-art, FDA-cleared spider vein treatments. If you’re ready to stop being embarrassed by your spider veins, call to schedule an appointment today!
Spider Vein Treatment Q & A
What are Spider Veins?
Spider veins are small clusters of red, blue, or purple veins that usually appear on your ankles, calves, or thighs. Spider veins can develop on any part of your body, including your face, but they are more common on your legs.
Some adults, typically women, get spider veins at a young age; for others, the unsightly veins become obvious later in life. These tiny veins appear at the surface of your skin and are similar in appearance to a spider web.
What Causes Spider Veins?
Spider veins are the result of a number of health and lifestyle conditions like:
- Hormonal changes
- Heredity
- Prolonged sitting or standing at your job
- Pregnancy
- Weight fluctuations
Although the onset of spider veins may be inevitable, you don’t have to live with them indefinitely. Shelly and Dr. John Botsford at Pure Skin Aesthetic & Laser Center offer spider vein treatment with the Sciton ClearScan YAG™ 1064 treatment system.
How Does Spider Vein Treatment Work?
The Sciton ClearScan YAG 1064 is a handheld device that delivers a powerful energy wavelength to target spider veins. The wavelength and pulsed energy heat the selected veins while keeping the surface of your skin cool, so there’s no damage to surrounding tissue. The heat energy penetrates deeply enough to destroy the spider veins, while the powerful cooling device keeps you comfortable for the duration of the treatment.
The heat from the device causes the blood vessels to collapse and seal over a few weeks following treatment. The blood vessels that once appeared as spider veins dissolve, and your body removes them naturally. The result is the diminished appearance of or even the disappearance of spider veins.
Is Spider Vein Treatment Safe?
Yes. The Sciton ClearScan YAG 1064 is FDA-cleared for the treatment of spider veins.
How Many Treatments Do I Need?
It depends on the severity of your spider veins and the results you want to achieve. Shelly customizes each spider vein treatment plan to your specific needs, so it’s not a one-size-fits-all procedure. Some women see noticeable results a few weeks after treatment as the veins fade, but you may need a few treatments several weeks apart to achieve your desired effect.
Call or schedule a consultation online to learn if spider vein treatment with the Sciton system is right for you.